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Halal Cosmetics – One Pure Answer

July 7, 2010

UPDATE JUNE 2016:  I wrote this article in 2010 and have had no direct contact with Layla since then although Layla’s staff did try to make contact with me in 2013 when Layla had a car accident and was paralyzed and in need of money for treatment. I didn’t respond as I had neither the money or inclination at the time not really having a relationship with her.  However in June 2016 I was contacted via my Facebook page by a reader warning me to do my research about this brand and its owners and their links to a pocket puppy business in Toronto which my reader alleges is not operating fairly.   I debated whether to just pull this article but decided against it as Halal cosmetics were something I worked on at the time and this story is part of my journey.  That said I would suggest that readers wishing to strike up a relationship with this or any other brand I mention on my blog do their own research before entering into any financial arrangements. This goes for all brands.  Readers should not see my article as an endorsement of  a particular brand or the brand owners business standing. 

As many of you will know I have been following the rise of the Halal market for some time and it is now my pleasure to share with you some insights from one of this exciting market’s trail blazers, hello Layla Mandi founder of One Pure!

During my research I have received mixed responses to the question “would you seek out Halal cosmetics” from Australia’s muslim community. It seems that our laid back and easy-going nature extends to our religious observance but that may well be about to change.  Certified Halal is a new thing in the cosmetics arena and that is part of the ‘problem’ if you want to call it that. Many of the muslim’s that I surveyed were unsure as to the benefits that this type of certification could offer while others simply weren’t bothered.  However,  a handful of respondents were really excited at the thought of being able to buy cosmetics as easily as they can buy food and for that reason I want to know more!

Layla Mandi founder of OnePure

  • So what exactly is a Halal Cosmetic?

I would say halal certified cosmetics gives muslims certainty the products they use do not contain any ingredients which would conflict with their beliefs *

  • Q) What has been the main challenges that you have faced in putting OnePure together both in terms of sourcing ingredients and in terms of marketing?

Sourcing the ingredients were not a massive problem because Malaysia has an established halal beauty industry and so I sourced from there. The marketing has been really interesting. I have focused on keeping an educational aspect to my marketing because of the lack of global awareness on the halal beauty industry  but I also wanted it to be luxury so sometimes those two ideas conflict but I think so far so good!

  • Q) Are there any cosmetic products that simply cannot be certified Halal?  (I am thinking about fake tan that you can’t wash off for prayer or hair dyes etc).

Not that I am aware of.  Some people may argue that product X or Y is forbidden because of those reasons but that is an argument beyond me. The product itself could be certified halal.

  • Q) What can Halal cosmetics offer to the mainstream market that other products cant in terms of benefits?

They could be considered ‘purer’ or ‘cleaner’ because of the inspections to become certified.

  • Q) Tell us a little about the best-selling product in your range.

It depends on the market. In the Middle East it is the eye serum and eye cream to alleviate dark circles as dark circles are a primary concern for middle eastern women and no effectively  addressed by international companies. In the east it is the whole whitening range. In Canada it is the eye cream and dryness serum . I tried to offer solutions for women all over the world.

  • Q) What’s next for Onepure and the Halal market as a whole?

OnePure is like a thunder right now and we are rapidly expanding both our availability and our product offerings. We will launch at a fabulous UK department store in September and will offer body care before then end of the year. The halal market as a whole…ugh…it really unfocused, the marketing, packaging, advertising all overall sub-par. I am loudly looking to change that by raising the bar with OnePure. I will only consider OnePure a success when I have competition, like another great halal brand selling at the top stores around the world next to me.

OnePure Cosmaceuticals

So guys, the gauntlet has been laid down, the market is finishing up its appetizers and is looking forward to the main course.  The world is now 23% muslim and the current market is worth an estimated $570 million and rising. Interesting stuff. But the Halal brand doesn’t have to stay within the muslim community as Layla pointed out.  The Halal seal of approval means purity and cleanliness, it often means that the product contains no animal based ingredients and finally it means that the product has an ingredient paper trail to the n’th degree – useful for all of you boffins out there!

Enjoy playing!

* Ingredients that don’t conflict with beliefs would be things like potable ethanol, pork derivatives, animal by-products that were not processed in accordance to Halal protocol, crustacea and many down-stream products based on these ingredients. The exact ‘Halal’ Vs not ‘list’ is best sourced from Standards Malaysia who oversee certification in this area.

16 Comments leave one →
  1. July 8, 2010 9:09 pm

    Awwww! thanks for the great article! I have been working so hard and really am grateful support! If your readers have any specific questions or suggestions…lemme know!

  2. Jason permalink
    July 17, 2010 11:56 pm

    Hello, very interested in your article. Can we talk.

  3. July 24, 2010 3:06 am

    Great post! 😀


  4. October 7, 2010 7:28 am

    Amazing idea & product line!

  5. IdaMazooun permalink
    January 11, 2011 9:15 pm

    I have been using the onepure acne line for 2 weeks and it is alreay improving my probelm skin. Layla is an inspiration to all muslima. she will seend you product frr shipping

  6. yazy permalink
    February 6, 2011 9:44 pm

    Alhamdulilah now we have some halal beauty stuff -creams… Whats really ironic is how she is so concerned about having not halal products on her face but her whole wardrobe and her dispaly is totally haram! I mean is that like not an oxymoron. HECK! I would not even be surprised if she had plastic surgery… sigh* anyways I’m glad there is halal products now… but she needs to really do something about her hijab!

  7. IdaMazooun permalink
    February 16, 2011 7:01 pm

    Here in the UAE we all wear our Abayas like that!!! She is living in Dubai so for sure she is buying UAE Abyays. It is not my place to judge as I am not God. I am just happy she is Muslim woman and in business-not too many examples in the world! Yazyyou need to be an example for Layla and other people… As she is is new Muslim we should not be so Haram to tease her about things-this puts off many people from Reverting!

  8. Siti Rokhmah permalink
    October 11, 2012 7:17 pm

    Assalamu ‘alaikum, I live in France, where can I get this product? can buy OL?

    Wassalamu alaikum

  9. February 14, 2014 4:07 am


  10. Jenifer campbell permalink
    July 18, 2016 3:57 pm

    Thank goodness the editor of Realize Beauty responded to this asking that people research you before contributing to your products. This is only the beginning .

    • RealizeBeautyEd permalink*
      July 18, 2016 4:52 pm

      Hi there Jenifer,
      Thanks for bringing this up with me. As you know I did debate pulling this article down after you contacted me but I felt it was a legitimate part of my research back when the article was written and this brand is still quite prominent in the Halal market and so it is probably worth having it here and alerting people to do their own research than taking it down and being invisible. That said I do not want the blog article to turn into a name and shame piece and feel it is best to just leave this as it is.

  11. tingga permalink
    August 26, 2016 9:36 pm

    Thank you Layla, you’ve changed my life! Your products are amazing! Thanks again.

  12. kissi zineb permalink
    December 8, 2016 5:20 am

    Hello everybody how can we contact Mrs LAYLA the owner of the brand for business
    Thank you all

    • RealizeBeautyEd permalink*
      December 8, 2016 8:55 pm

      Not through me.

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